I have now finished my book. Now fulling knowing that Ed has to help his friends he starts to think what exactly they need help. Though he knew his friends a very long time he isn't fully aware of their situations. The first he has to solve is Ritchie's who he is honest towards him. "Ritchie-you're an absolute disgrace to yourself." The exact words from Ed. After he then deals with Marv, only to find out a big secret that Marv is hiding. At first he thought Marv had all that money and wasn't going to spend it, but Marv was keeping that money for a certain someone to apologies. His last mission for the Hearts was Audrey, his crush. Ed only finds out Audrey a bit more quicker than the two and dances with her in a romantic way. She is dating Simon or what Ed called 'the boyfriend' but she doesn't love him. So all he gives her is real love and she is grateful for that. After finally successfully completing those mission he gets the LAST card. This was goes to 26 Shipping street, his street. As much as I want to tell you about Marv's secret and who really is behind Ed's mission and what this all means, I can't. It was pretty surprising.
As I read the book through I couldn't but try to find the theme. You see there was this one night where I stayed up till 5 reading over 100 pages and fighting my sleep. I know it's bad to do that but the book was really inspiring. Funny thing is my dad found me sleeping with the lights on and the book near me, it's not a surprise since I really love to read and sleep with books near me. As I was reading this book, it was just fantastic, some parts I just wanted to cry, scream, and/or feel sympathy towards a character. It's funny when you're trying to find the theme and the book is called I am the messenger. Like it's already throwing you the theme towards your face or mostly likely punching you. Believe me, don't get fooled by the title it does tell the ending now that I think about it. As I keep in mind the title (I am the messenger) even though the ending is a huge twist there are many parts that jump at me. Let's keep mind while reading the book he is delivering messages to others or so but they really are heart catching. Like I wrote before, Ed lives a pretty dull life. He's a tax driver, lives in a house with a sewer smelling dog that was from his father, father passed away, his siblings are living a nice life especially his younger brother, Tommy, has a crush on his friend who doesn't love him the way he expects and his mother hates him. One quote that I do remember and I think it sums up everything in the book is what Daryl or Keith said (sorry Ed didn't know there name just yet. I believe it was Daryl). "These are things we have to suffer for the greater good of mankind" He is suffering from having to be assigned to kill a man to being punched with heart breaking words from him mother. Like I said he is suffering but is willing to help others. An example would be a girl named Angelina, an 8 year old who has an abusive father with a mother who is being raped by him. As he waits outside fighting on whether to approach the abusive husband or not, the little girl comes out to see the sky. After seeing Ed she only asks "In a whisper she asks, 'Who are you?' 'I'm, Ed' I whisper back. 'I'm, Angelina,' She says. "Are you here to save us?' I can see a tiny spark of hope awaken in her eyes (78)" This nearly make me feel like jelly like, Ed. This shows how someone else is suffering and Ed takes it in to suffer and make it better for them. No, I can't say what happened it's better for you (if you haven't read it) to find out on your own.
As the story continues there are many things that people are suffering but maybe around three or five people are suffering the most. I don't want to tell everything but I think that everything I pick for my topic will help support it. Keeping in mind to that quote, Ed asks his mother why she hates him. To give you a little bit of background info. Ever since Ed's father died his mother started to disrespect and not show love towards Ed. 'Course, Ed had to face the truth. His mother doesn't love him because she never loved the 'man with the broken promises'. "Her expression swells as I look at her. I speak, saying the words hard. 'Ma?' I ask. 'What?' 'Why do you hate me so much?' And now she looks at me, this woman, as I make sure my eyes don't give me away. Flatly, simply, she answers. 'Because, Ed-you remind me of him" Him? It registers. Him-my father. She goes inside and the door slams. I've had to take a man up to the Cathedral and attempt to kill him. I've had hit men eat pies in my kitchen and lay me out. I've been jumped by a group of teenage thugs. This however, feels like my darkest hour. Standing. Hurting. On my mother's front porch. The Sky opens, now crumbling apart." This is most likely the heart breaking part out of all of the text in the book. As Ed thinks about what he had to deal with and yet he admits that facing these words is probably the worst out of all. I could think this would fit finely with the quote. He delivered the messages that not only the person he faced understood but it also helped shaped his life. Dealing with these words is harsh and full with depression but it helped him see what's his mother's struggled towards him, and he suffered for the greater good. He at least got an answer instead of having to question everyday, which in my words is the greater good.
The theme must be "These are things we have to suffer for the greater good of mankind" I would say this means that there are many things we have to deal with in order to shape society, mankind, especially yourself. From reading this story Ed suffered but helped shaped his own life and the others. Now he lives a better life than before with his three best friends who their lives are beginning to shape better as well. I think this book is most likely talking about living a life, not like party hard but what's around you. This book helped me see that there are people suffering
Side Note -
I nearly cried once Ed found out Marv's secret for saving the $500 or $5,000. I wanted to scream like a fangirl after what Ed did to make Marv feel grateful towards his friend. I couldn't help but feel like tearing after the BEAUTIFUL moment. This book is what I would recommend to others, especially people who believe there life is low and believe they don't "deserve" to live. It's a good lesson and inspiring. There are others to support you!

(It's enough to make a grown man cry)