So far in the book Ed receives a Card of Ace that tells him certain places. He later find out he has to be sort of their savior or Saint; ever since he stopped the man who was robbing the bank. One id Edgar street where a mother and daughter live a life with an abusive man. Another street is about an old woman who's husband died, the last is a girl who runs which is in her family but still loses. After he saved each one making them have a hopeful happy life he is then sent another card. One thing Ed does discover is that each card he completes the next will just get harder and harder. The Stones of Homes have 3 written names for Ed to help. As he tries to figure out what to do in the first name, Thomas O'Reilly who is a priest. He is having trouble with his friends and his crush (Audrey). 'Course he does get mad after seeing Audrey make out with another man during work which isn't surprising since Ed says, she had sex with many other men.
Words of the Wiser
While I was Reading Ed was caught up with two men. These two men tied him and told him about his progress of how's he doing on his work. They tie him, make him bleed from the back of his head, the Doorman (his father's dog who stinks from a permanent smell) isn't a good guard dog, and they eat pie in front of him. One of them two men says a phrase that stood out to me, "These are things we have to suffer for the greater good of mankind". To me this reminded of Ed's job. In the book Ed complains how he has to be chosen to do these jobs. In page 81 it says, "This has gone too far now. A gun, for God's sake. I can't kill anyone. For starters, I'm a coward. Second, I'm weak. Third, the day of the bank robbery was obviously a fluke-nobody's ever even showed me how to use a gun... I'm angry now. Why have I been chosen for this? I beg, despite knowing without question what I have to do. You were happy with the other two, I castigate myself. So now you have to do this one." This piece of evidence shows how he complains for being picked for such a drastic task. Yet, he does admit how he was fine with both Sophie and Milla, making him happy. This quote shows that he suffers trying to keep those people happy but is something mankind who are suffering deserve happiness.